Tewkesbury Baptist Church

Loving God, Loving People

'AWESOME' Registration


Awesome Activity Afternoon is open to children aged 5 - 9 and will take place at Tewkesbury Baptist Church

on Saturday 19 November 2016 from 2-4pm

The cost (which includes materials and refreshments) is £1.00 per child, which you will need to bring along on the day

As places are limited, please complete the form below (separate form for each child) as soon as possible to register your children.  If you have any questions please contact Jo Goodchild.

Child's full name:  Sex: Male Female

Date of Birth:  School:


Names of other children in the family attending 'Awesome':


Parent / Guardian's full name:


Phone number:

email address:


Emergency Contact name:


Emergency contact phone number:


Doctor's name:

Doctor's phone number:

Any known allergies, conditions or special requirements:

Please register my child for Awesome Activity Afternoon


I confirm that I am the parent/guardian of the child and that the above details are complete and to the best of my knowledge.

I give permission for my child's and my details to be entered on the church database. I give permission for group photographs to be taken including my child.

In the unlikely event of illness or accident, I give permission for any appropriate first aid to be given by the nominated first-aider. In an emergency, and if I cannot be contacted, I am willing for my child to be given hospital treatment, including anesthetic if necessary. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me as soon as possible.

You will be sent an email confirmation and details of payment shortly.