Tewkesbury Baptist Church

Loving God, Loving People

Our Values

logoTewkesbury Baptist Church holds the following values...

Encountering God

We seek to encounter God through: His word, worship and prayer.

We read, study and teach God's word, the Bible and listen to what He is saying to us through His Spirit.

We bring glory to God by worshipping Him, as we respond to His character, works and presence among us.

We pray:

  • To honour God for who He is and to thank Him for all He has done.
  • To see His plans happen on earth.
  • For the needs of others and ourselves.
  • To give and receive forgiveness.
  • For help in difficult times and to resist evil.


We offer friendship, support and a place to belong, where we experience life together, through the good times and the bad, helping and caring for each other. We believe that together with God, we can achieve great things.


We share the good news of Godʼs love and His rescue plan for us, as explained in the Bible, so that people may:

  • Find belief in God the Father.
  • Receive forgiveness through Jesus His Son.
  • Experience the renewing presence of His Holy Spirit.
  • Continue in a personal relationship with God.


We encourage everyone to grow in their knowledge and experience of God. We provide opportunities to help us apply our Christian faith to all parts of our lives.


We recognise that God has given each person a variety of gifts and abilities which need discovering, developing and engaging in the life of the church. We believe in putting faith into action, so we encourage each other to find a place where our gifts and abilities can be used.


We serve using the gifts and abilities God has given, so that everyone is encouraged and built-up, as God works though each of us. We partner with other Christian groups and organisations as we aim to serve God in unity.


We want to bring change to a world in need and to share the good news of God's love and His rescue plan for us. We engage in Godʼs work locally and worldwide, sending out our people and supporting them through our prayers, financial giving and encouragement.