Tewkesbury Baptist Church

Loving God, Loving People


At T.B.C, all our expenditure (staff salaries, missionary support, buildings etc) is provided for by generous freewill gifts from our members and regulars. We don’t have any regular financial support from any Government or other secular or Christian funds.

General Giving
If you would like to partner with us in the gospel by giving to T.B.C the best way to do this is to create a standing order or direct debit directly with your bank using the following details :

            Bank: Lloyds Bank
            Payee: Tewkesbury Baptist Church
            Account number: 58868860.
            Sort code: 30-98-97.
            Reference: 'surname/regularity' e.g. Smith/monthly

  • If you wish to make a gift to the Tewkesbury Supports Refugees Group, please use the above bank account but clearly reference it ‘Refugees’.

Community Build Giving 
If you wish to give a gift to our Community Build Project, please use the following bank account:

            Bank: Lloyds Bank
            Payee: Tewkesbury Baptist Church
            Account number: 60493360.
            Sort code: 30-98-97.

            Reference ‘Community Build’

In addition, the Church is now on the ‘Just Giving’ platform so you can either donate or put your event/activity on there to enable people to donate.  


   Just Giving QR code

Offering Basket

A second option is to put cash or a cheque in offering basket in the church on a Sunday.  Yellow envelopes are available on the back table for your use, but again clearly reference the purpose of the gift on the envelope.

Stewardship Account

The Church now has an account with Stewardship Services. This provides an alternative way for people to give to the Church if they wish.

Follow the link for more information.


Stewardship Services link 

Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer you may be able to increase the power of your giving by filling in the gift-aid declaration form. This allows us to re-coup 25p in tax from every £1 you give. We cannot claim gift-aid from HMRC until we are in receipt of this form. 

Thank you for supporting us in this way.