Community Build GiFT and Pledge Day
Sunday 28th April 2024
'God takes pleasure in doing things through us that only he can do, so that in the end, he will receive all the glory, honour and praise'.
This project is more than a building, it's about people and those whom God is going to challenge and transform during construction and beyond. It must be to God's glory, and he must be at the centre. It will be exciting to see how God uses each one of us to make the impossible possible!
Below are links to information and pledge cards for the pledge day:
We invite you to:
· PRAY: Come before the Lord and ask Him what He would like you to give over the next 12 months.
· PREPARE: Look at your finances, but you may also need to take a step of faith and obedience. Please do not go into debt.
· PLEDGE: Come forward as an individual or family to offer your faith pledge or gift before God.
We ask you to pray for yourself and others at this vital time. Each of our collective obedience in this offering, really does make all the difference in accelerating the plans God has for T.B.C.
You can make a one-off donation, or you can make a faith pledge (a promise you make before God) to be redeemed over the next 12 months, by completing a card during the service or online.
Ways to Give:
There are 4 ways to give either on the day or in the future to redeem your faith pledge:
· Bank Transfer: You can set up a standing order or make a bank transfer free of charge, into the Church's bank account.
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Payee: Tewkesbury Baptist Church
Account number: 60493360.
Sort code: 30-98-97.
Reference ‘Community Build Offering’
· Card Payment: You can make a card payment as our card machine will be available on the day.
· Monthly Direct Debit: If you feel led to give a regular amount on a monthly basis, please set this up with your bank.
· Cash/Cheque: Please ensure all cash donations for the Community Build Offering are put in an envelope and clearly marked as "Community Build Offering", before being put into an offering basket during the service. (Yellow envelopes are available).
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer you may be able to increase the power of your giving by filling in the gift-aid declaration form. This allows us to re-coup 25p in tax from every £1 you give. We cannot claim gift-aid from HMRC until we are in receipt of this form.